• Lifestyle

    Barking at the Moon Review

    My entire life I’ve lived with dogs. In fact, I can’t remember a time there wasn’t one breed or another romping around the countryside with me. They are wonderful companions, good at comforting, providing laughter and helping you learn to deal in many situations. People with dogs believe our canine friends make us healthier, happier, and better humans. That means, we’re often closer to our dog than any other being. And if you’re like me, working alone from home every day, you may find yourself talking to your dog, confessing all sorts of off-the-wall things. My dogs have comforted me through all the sad and scary feelings: filling the void of loss, helping me face fear, calming me through stress. But they also fill me with…

  • Content

    Finding Your Voice as a Content Marketer

    All the successful content marketers tell you that finding your voice as a content marketer will change how others respond to your content.  When you read content by someone who’s found their voice, there’s a really distinct tone to it. You can tell they’re extremely passionate, really self-expressed and know what they’re talking about. People are moved by those who speak with their real voice. Think about the last time you attended a speech and were moved by the speaker.  Yet what most people don’t realize is that almost everyone who’s found their voice had to put in a lot of work to find that voice. It doesn’t usually come naturally. So what’s the trick? How do you find your voice as a content marketer? Start…

  • Content

    Change is Good

    Sometimes things happen even though we think we are prepared. A few weeks ago, my computer crashed and a virus attacked my websites. Even though I thought I had everything backed up, and downloaded all the posts from my blogs, I still lost a big part of my data. It was a nightmare trying to get everything back the way it should be. I recently started using an online backup service, Carbonite.com. Although it isn’t a free service, it is still very reasonable. So lesson learned. … backup everything weekly! So while I was doing all this rebuilding, I sat down a really examined my goals and how they fit into what I wanted my lifestyle to be. Since it is a new year, it is…

  • Branding

    Low Brow Advertising Intices Customers

    Customers are the lifeblood of every business but to get those customers you need to advertise. And since your visitor often makes a decision within the first 10 seconds on you site, you have to have something of interest to keep them there. You need some type of pull to bring them in. It could be as simple as a graphic with a great sale offer. Check out this great infographic of low-brow advertising. It could just give you a great new advertising campaign idea!!