• Lifestyle

    Barking at the Moon Review

    My entire life I’ve lived with dogs. In fact, I can’t remember a time there wasn’t one breed or another romping around the countryside with me. They are wonderful companions, good at comforting, providing laughter and helping you learn to deal in many situations. People with dogs believe our canine friends make us healthier, happier, and better humans. That means, we’re often closer to our dog than any other being. And if you’re like me, working alone from home every day, you may find yourself talking to your dog, confessing all sorts of off-the-wall things. My dogs have comforted me through all the sad and scary feelings: filling the void of loss, helping me face fear, calming me through stress. But they also fill me with…

  • Lifestyle

    Put Down the Gadgets For a Real Conversation

    Today I want to talk about the importance of being present when you are attempting to have better conversations with everyone. You see it everywhere. Everyone you encounter is engrossed in their phone. Your boyfriend, co-workers, even the little girl on the playground is engrossed in their gadgets. With the ease of connecting through social media, real conversations (those that are done face-to-face) are becoming rare.  It’s difficult to carry on a conversation when only one of you is actually paying attention to the other, talking and sharing without any response. Carrying on a conversation with a tiny box and expecting an answer instead of talking face-to-face with someone is like talking to yourself  How many times have you, as a parent, asked your child something…

  • Inspiration/Spirituality,  Lifestyle

    How’s your Mindset?

      How’s your mindset? Do you try to be positive or are you more of a negative Nelly? All my life I’ve always tried to have a positive outlook. Even when situations in my life looked it’s worst, I’d push through until I came out on the positive side of it. This mindset has helped get me through numerous losses of loved ones and jobs and disappointments in people and situations. Until recently though. In the past few years, I’ve battled depression, lack of self-confidence, fear of losing everything, the loss of direction and finally, forgetting who I am in my soul. After years of being the caregiver for everyone else I forgot to take care of me. Now that I no longer am in that…