• Content

    How Self Doubt Is Keeping You From Being Seen

    You know you have a story to share with the world. You’ve even started playing around with the idea of writing a book. you know it will have a great impact on others. But self-doubt is holding you back from putting it out there. The Dreaded SELF-DOUBT I hear ya. Self-doubt rears its ugly head often when we least expect it. This is something I have struggled with many times. I often didn’t believe it when I was told my writing was good.  I still have times when I hesitate to publish my work.

  • Book Creation,  Content

    Determine the Type of Book: Fiction or Non-fiction

    Maybe you want to write the next great fiction novel. Or you want to share your knowledge you’ve acquired in your life. Whatever your goal is, you will have to determine the type of book you want to write. Will it be a short story fiction piece about robots in the garden? Or are you writing a 400 page romance novel? Will it be a non-fiction how-to book about raising goats for their milk? There are many types of books and even more categories. One of the most common books is the recipe book. Considered a compiled book, it is one of the easiest to create online. A compiled book is simply a book created with a collection of information about a topic from different sources…

  • Book Creation

    On The Road To Published Book

    I have always wanted to be a published author. The idea of having my name attached to a published book is both thrilling and terrifying. Like many others, life and fear have held me back from pursuing the passion of publishing. Well no more, I say. With all the new technology in self-publishing from Kindle to Nook, publishing a book has never been easier. There are no query letters to write and no publishers to convince your book is the next best-seller. I have set up a challenge for myself. (and anyone who wants to follow along). I will write at least one page a day on a book to be published on Kindle at the end of 30 days. I will be reporting my progress…

  • Content

    How to Format Your Books For Kindle Publishing

    Freelancers and creative types sometime don’t realize how having their own published book affects their marketing. Having a published book gives your customers and clients the perception you are an authority in your niche.  But getting  a book published by traditional methods can take a lot of time, if you can even get a publisher to take a chance on your book. Another great option is publishing on the Kindle format. Here are the basic steps. Don’t have time  or want to do this yourself? Contact me about my special Kindle Formatting offer.