Unlock Your Success By Finding Your Passion

Unlock Your Success By Finding Your Passion

To truly be successful you have to follow some kind of passion. Many people have simply lost their passion for their job, their career and may be living day to day, going through the motions, simply because they have to.

This was the case for me a few years ago. I hated my job at a local print shop. The smells were overpowering, the noise deafening and there was no opportunity for advancement. I was stuck. I had to drag myself to work everyday.

One day, I couldn’t do it any longer. I quit. I had no idea what I was going to do. then I discovered I could sell my writing talents online and my passions for the written word took over.

The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.” Alfred Lord Tennyson

Never has any discovery, creation or innovative product ever been created without that wasn’t first a spark of passion, curiosity, or devotion.

“Passion”  literally means, “to suffer.”

It is an all-consuming desire to be and do some thing that is very important to success. It is the source you have to draw upon for inspiration.

It’s a fact that those who succeed in almost everything will struggle before they reach success.

Would you rather live your life’s purpose and become the person you were meant to be, or remain locked in lifestyle of tolerance and indifference, merely existing from one day to the next?

Without PASSION,The inspiration to act will never be there.

Without ACTION, you will never be able to reach your vision and will NEVER be successful.

You have to know what it is you truly want, what drives you, what is in your heart, to be create the reality you desire and reach your potential to succeed.

So, what should you do, today?  what will guide to toward your purpose?

Begin by discovering why you behave and do the things you do. why do you follow the old habits and react to circumstances the same old way?
Spend some time alone.

Give yourself the needed space and time to think, reflect, evaluate.

Write in a journal.


Ask yourself a powerful question with a deep, personal meaning to you, something that will cause your heart to stir.

Then make it a point, everyday for the next 30 days to change those reactions and habits. If you have to, write the habit down and how you want to change it and carry it with you.

Make it a habit to consistently work toward the future you want.

Face every challenge, every encounter you have with a purpose, making a choice to act in a positive, passionate way. Reprogram how you think. Instead of just re-acting you act with a purpose. Choose to find solutions and actions that are in line with what you envision, your passions. Plan to work, to take action to find your purpose. Once you find your purpose, you will find your passion and then you will have your Vision of your life.

Define your vision and create your own personal mission statement.

Your life will be truly changed when you follow your passions. With a passionate purpose, no one can keep you from success, except you.

Are you following your passion? Leave a comment below to share how your passions have changed your life.