The Top 4 Mistakes Creative Entrepreneurs Make

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Let’s talk about some of the mistakes creative entrepreneurs make when building and growing their business. I know I have made some of these mistakes (maybe even all of them).

We already know your a creative person. Heck, you have a ton of talent. You have honed your skills. You have way more ideas than you can ever implement. But fitting all that into running and growing your  business doesn’t seem to be working.

So what is the problem?

Maybe its just that you don’t know the mistakes your making until someone shows you. Now don’t feel sorry for yourself and give up. Most likely it isn’t your super product.

Let’s figure it out together.

Mistake #1: Not Believing in Themselves

This is probably one of the biggest hurdles artisans and creatives have when it comes to being in business. They now they are talented. But do they have the skills to make their business a success. We worry about little things like are we using the right tools or should we be using this technology or that one. Or if we are making the right business decisions. We compare ourselves to everyone else and think we ill never be as successful. This is something I struggled with for years.

So What can You Do?

You have to stay focused and true to your own vision and your own values. Look at what is important to you in your business, trust in your decisions and get help with what you don’t know. And most of all Believe In Yourself.

One place to find help is through books.
Check out The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success by Jennifer Lee

or The Handmade Marketplace: How to Sell Your Crafts Locally, Globally, and On-Line

Mistake #2: Doing everything yourself.

This is a major problem many of us are guilty of. We think since it’s our business we have to do everything, be in charge of everything for it to get done.

Or maybe we falsely believe we can’t really afford to outsource any of it yet.

Neither of these are true.

Do What You Do Best and Delegate the Rest.

Spending time doing the things that aren’t your specialty is basically taking money out of your own pocket. You’re wasting your time and your time is money in your business.

So how can I do this?

Begin by developing systems of what you do that can be delegated to someone else. this way you can teach others how you want things done . For example make a list of everything you do in your business that love to do and what you need to do. then make a list of what someone else can do better and faster for the things you don’t love doing. This is where a Virtual assistant can help out. She can take care of the bookkeeping, billing, inventory lists, emails and social media updates if that’s what you hate doing. Hire a housekeeper to come in occasionally to help.

Mistake #3: Not Selling Your Products

Now that probably sounds odd, because you have products and their listed on your website, on Facebook or even on Etsy.  But what I mean is you aren’t marketing those products to others.

The website is basically an online catalog of what you have to offer. Facebook is great for letting those already aware of your business know what you have. This isn’t selling though.

Marketing is what you need to do.

Marketing is what brings the customer to your products home. The sale happens after money is exchanged or you get a contract or order.

I know I was like many artists and creative businesses. I simply put my gift baskets and embroidered baby items on my website and “crossed my fingers hoping someone would buy them”.  Didn’t happen that way.

Selling is one of those words I have always shied away from. Selling was scary. But you have to look at it this way. Selling is simply sharing what you love with someone else.

So How Do I Do It?

Begin by creating a marketing strategy.

Then, it will take some practice

and some planning

and some persistence

and you will have to be passionate

to learn to sell by sharing. It can be fun and profitable sharing your passions.

 Mistake #4 Copying or Following Others

Your creative business is about your uniqueness. It’s not about doing the same thing as everyone else. You want to show your ideas. To be you.

You have to stand out from the masses. Do you really want to be just another Scrapbooker or do you want to be the awesome one who gives the most to their client. The one who is always contacted for your unique products. You want to stand out so you can be found; not lost among the crowd.

You’re ideal customer can’t find you unless you’re light is shining brighter than the others. This comes from being your Unique Self.

How to do this?

Know who you are and what you want.

Follow your ideas, your talents. Hey , it’s okay to see what others are doing, and maybe even be inspired by them. Just don’t copy them.

Remember why your are doing this business and how it is going to make your life different, and the lives of others as well.

You are the power that gets the results you desire.


Have you made any of these mistakes? If so, how did you overcome them? Go ahead and leave your comment below.

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