• Business Basics

    How to Use Hootsuite to Boost Your Productivity in Less Time

    How to Use Hootsuite to Boost Your Productivity in Less Time No matter what some might think, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. It just happens that some people are way more productive than others. Or maybe they have learned to take advantage of the myriad of tools available that make things easier. Using the tools available online can help you become way more productive in a lot less time. One of my favorite tools is a social media management program called HootSuite. HootSuite is a social media management program designed to help you efficiently and quickly track your conversations and measure the results. HootSuite integrates with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ pages, Foursquare, WordPress, Mixi and has an App Directory that lets…

  • Business Basics

    The Time-Stealing Traps To Avoid

    ‘ Have you ever said this: “It’s eight p.m and I still don’t have all of today’s task done.” Or done this: Spent all day catching up on email and other administrative tasks without getting anything else done? I know I have. There are days I wonder why I didn’t accomplish half the stuff on my to-do list when I spent all day at the computer. Or I tell myself I am just going to visit Facebook for a quick update, only to realize two hours later I am still on there. This is one time trap I am trying to break. One of the problems is not using all the tools available to me to make this run more smoothly and efficiently. As a virtual…