Moving on When You Don’t Know Where You’re Headed



Do you know where you’re headed?

Are you ready to move on after a set back?

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say. To the contrary. . . . my mind is filled with thoughts daily of what I want to share, what I need to share that could help someone else.

I’m at a point in my life where everything is taking a toll on my time and I’m questioning my beliefs.

Some of you may know my story. I’ve been the full time caregiver for my disabled mom who recently passed away, I’m over 50 and suffering from menopause (Uck), a full time writer, and have a multi-generational household with little kids that fill my days with a lot of chaos. 

As I said, I recently lost my mom to a second stroke. The first one, 10 years ago, left her partially paralyzed and wheelchair bound. That’s when I devoted my time to taking care of her needs. I put my dreams and plans on hold.

Now that she’s gone, I’m left with a void. “What am I supposed to do now if I’m not needed to care for her?”

How do I move on when I don’t even know where I am headed?

I’ve been doing some real soul searching, spending many hours alone with my feelings and thoughts. I know that she wouldn’t want me to give up my business, continuing to write and share my message with others. And I realized that now that I have my freedom, I can do the things I want and need to do to make my business a success.

Here are the steps I’m taking to move on.

  • Getting in touch with who I am and who I want to be. This includes meditation, spending time walking in nature and sitting under a tree with my notebook,and writing in my journal.

  • Talking to my God Daily.  Or the Universe .  Or my Angels. Any entity that I think might be listening.

  • Letting go of my old beliefs that no longer serve me. I’m coming to realize that I can nurture others without giving away all of myself. I don’t have to do everything for every one all the time. I’m learning that in order for my son and his family to grow and move on, I need to let them do things for themselves. (This is a biggie for me, since I’ve spent the majority of my life taking care of everyone else).

  • Setting goals and making plans. For the past ten years I’ve put aside all my goals and dreams. Many of them no longer serve me so I’ve been making new goals of what I really want and the plans for achieving them. for instance, now that I’m able, I am making plans to travel to places I’ve only read about.

  • Taking action.  Along with setting those goals I’m taking action. Not only does it help me fill my days, taking action, even small steps, every day on my goals gives me a sense of accomplishment.

  • Each day I spend time reassessing and reorganizing. I am downsizing. My son and his family are making plans to move into their own place soon. That means I’ll have a lot of room that I won’t need. Will I be moving to a smaller home? I don’t know yet. I do know that I getting rid of things that no longer serve me or mean anything to me, like the stacks of magazines I’ve saved as a swipe files or the knick-knacks collecting dust.

These are the steps I’m taking right now. They may change as I grow and discover where I’m headed. But I do know that being in touch spiritually with my higher self will always steer me in the right direction.

Tell  me what do you do when you are at a loss or a crossroads in your life? Is there a particular routine you follow?

Want to follow along on my self-discovery journey? Connect with me on my Facebook page or my Facebook group, My Awakened Spirit.