You Have To Find Balance in Your Life To Grow

You Have To Find Balance in Your Life To Grow


Finding your own personal balance in life is important if you’re starting a business,  raising kids and dealing with every day stuff.  If you don’t find this balance your life can feel out of control and overwhelming.

I know in my daily life, I am often overwhelmed with the needs of everyone around me. Between caring for my aging mother, caring for my granddaughter and  being there for my hubby, it sometimes seems I don’t have a free moment to just take a breath. That’s when I have to say, wait a minute and take a step away from everything.

You need to be clear about what it is that you need for yourself and to satisfy your personal needs.

One thing you can do to find and maintain balance in your life is to “clean your house” by taking care of the things that are unfinished. You can do this both literally and figuratively.  This means wrapping up those loose ends that you’ve been avoiding for whatever reason. These unfinished tasks can be as straightforward as physically cleaning your house to finishing that report that you’ve been avoiding writing for weeks.

You need to know that your purpose for balancing your life and cleaning your house is to clear your mind and give you the room to concentrate on what’s important in your life.

Make sure that you have some personal time so that you can regroup and find focus.

Make a list of the things that you enjoy doing and do at least one or two of them every week.

Be aware of your appearance. Take the time to dress so that you “feel good”. When you take care of your appearance, and combine it with good body language and voice skills, you feel better about yourself.


Be self-aware. Self-awareness is a continuous process of renewal that you should make a habit in your life. This concept is based on the seventh habit of Stephen Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”.


One of the techniques to use for reaching your goals should be the constant renewal of your physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and mental areas of your life. This helps you achieve the balance you need to be successful in both your personal and professional life.

I take time every morning to speak to God, meditate and walk for thirty minutes. I find time to visit friends and family weekly and read to enrich my life.


Taking care of the physical balance in your life is important in maintaining all aspects of balance in your life. The three physical areas that you need to focus on: (1) endurance, (2) flexibility, and (3) strength. Maintain a healthy diet. Get plenty of sleep. Exercise daily.


Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. To find mental balance in your life: (1) keep a daily diary of your thoughts and feelings, (2) read material that is educational and enlightening, and (3) limit the amount of media that you allow to reach you, such as television.


So take the time to find the balance in your life.

What is your favorite way to balance your daily demands? Share it below.

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