Start Your Day Off on the Right Foot Even If You’re Not A Morning Person


I’ll admit it. Mornings are my favorite time of the day. I get up before everyone else, grab a cup of hot tea, watch the sun rise and make my plans for the day.  This simple routine every day helps me get my day off to a good start.

Not everyone gets out of bed in the morning easily and in a good mood, though.  Some can bounce out of bed eagerly anticipating the day, willing to talk  to anyone who will listen.  Others groggily stagger out of bed reluctantly.  And it’s best not to speak to them for a while or they’ll bite your head off

Do either of these describe you?  Or do you fall somewhere in between?  Which would you rather be?  Typically, the person who bounds out of bed wide awake is the person who gets more done in the morning and is happier to do it.  This isn’t always true.  Some get just as much work done; it just takes them longer to get to it.

If you’re not happy with your morning habits and want to change, it can be done but it has to be a concerted effort on your part.  Many people don’t want to change.  They’ve been that way for years and it works for them.  On the other hand, who wants to be an old grouch in the morning making yourself and everyone else miserable?


You can become an early happy riser and make it a habit you will embrace.  First, admit your current method of waking up in the morning isn’t working and you want to change.

Be willing to try a different method and realize it may not be the first different method you try that will transform you into a new you.


Technique is important.  Prepare yourself for bed with the same routine if possible.  With children and spouses this is sometimes difficult.  Start with a healthy diet.  Stay away from heavy fatty foods and sugars before bedtime.  Eat dinner early.  Of course, no caffeine or other stimulant before bedtime.


Try the early healthy dinner a few nights and make a note as to how you feel the next morning.  Is it working?  If not, don’t give up.  You just need to add more and different methods to your morning madness.


Exercise daily.  The better shape your body is in the better it will sleep and the better you’ll feel each morning.  Morning exercise is usually more helpful than just before bedtime. Nighttime exercise can get the blood flowing too much for you to fall right to sleep.


Do something pleasant before going to bed to put you in a good mood.  Read a good book for a few minutes.  Don’t get so caught up in it that you can’t put it down.  Don’t balance your check book or pay bills before going to bed.  Money worries are one of the main causes of sleeplessness.


Anticipate the morning routine.  Don’t give yourself something boring to look forward to.

Make time for at least some morning exercise even if it’s just stretching.  Perhaps, sit outside and greet the sunrise with a morning devotional.  Count your blessings and plan your day. New morning habits were not accomplished in a day.  Be patient and willing to experiment.  Soon you’ll like yourself better in the morning and so will your family.

Starting your day on the right foot, with a happy mindset, a plan for the day and healthy habits, helps you reach your goals and find more success.

What’s your morning routine? Do you wake up happy and ready to go or are you more a grumpy gus? I’d love to hear more about your mornings. Leave a comment below or join my Facebook  group at, or  connect with me at Facebook page,

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