Determine the Type of Book: Fiction or Non-fiction

Maybe you want to write the next great fiction novel. Or you want to share your knowledge you’ve acquired in your life. Whatever your goal is, you will have to determine the type of book you want to write.

Will it be a short story fiction piece about robots in the garden? Or are you writing a 400 page romance novel?

Will it be a non-fiction how-to book about raising goats for their milk?

There are many types of books and even more categories.

One of the most common books is the recipe book. Considered a compiled book, it is one of the easiest to create online. A compiled book is simply a book created with a collection of information about a topic from different sources with added value.

An example of a recipe book is The Slow Cooker Cookbook: 87 Easy, Healthy, and Delicious Recipes for Slow Cooked Meals

Another popular non-fiction is the tips or ideas books. Simply gather a large number of tips into a book.
Look at these titles for ideas:

How to Organize Small Spaces: Decluttering Tips and Organization Ideas for Your Home

Home Cleaning Shortcuts: Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips for a Fast and Lasting Clean

The question and answers and interviews books are created by answering a quetion or interviewing someone else who can answer the questions on a topic.

A QUESTION OF STYLE; How to look incredible at 40 and beyond

Is Yoga For Everyone?: Professional Yoga Instructors & Studios Provide Real Answers To Real Questions!

Look through the Amazon Kindle categories for the different types of books. It is a great way to spark your creative thoughts.

In fiction, you can write anything from children’s fiction to erotica to science fiction. The length of the book is limited only by your story line.

Well, I have written a page every day now for a week. My topic started out a little slow but once I have gotten into it I am really enjoying it. I did a keyword search to help me make sure I was on track and to help spark the imagination. This book is a non-fiction book, so it contains a more personal story to go along with the tips and tricks. Can’t tell you the category yet though, 😉 That will be revealed when I get closer to publish time.