5 Steps to Choosing a Topic For My Book

There are a lot of ways to determine your niche and the topic you want to write about. All over the internet you can find gurus and others telling you to do it this way or that.

Here are the 5 steps I use to choose my topic.

1. Search Amazon.com.

Go to the Amazon Kindle Store. Look at the top sellers list for all categories or if you have a niche in mind look through the top sellers in that niche. Look for books that have at least 37 results but not more than 250 and with at least 2 books with low sales rankings. By this I mean a seller has an Amazon sales rank of in the 10,000 to 20,000 sales or less.

2. Browse Bookstores

3. Amazon.com tag cloud
Amazon tag cloud shows the most popular categories books are being purchased.

4. Eliminate. This is a great exercise for those of us who have a lot of ideas and don’t know which one to go with first. In this step I simply write down all my ideas for any books I want to write. Then I take the top 3 that are the most interesting to me and put the others away for a later date. Now take 10 to 20 minutes to write on the first topic, then the second and finally the third. The topic that keeps you coming back to it is the one you want to go with.

5. Ask others.
Go to forums, social media sites and your friends. Ask what topics they read adn look


Deciding on a topic in a niche I will enjoy writing about will help me get my book written faster and easier than if I went with a topic in a niche I know very little about.

This writing book challenge is really pushing me to write for myself.